Ball toss PR101KS - silver

Ball toss PR101KS - silver

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Product code: PR-101KS-10

Shredder - HDPE shoveling wall. There are two color options to choose from - brown and silver. More information


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Technical specifications

Product code: PR-101KS-10
Recommended age: 0+ years
Free fall height: 0 m
Measurements: 1.2 x 0.08 x 1.41 m
Required area for assembly: 4.2 x 3.1 m
Fall damping surface: Grass surface

The supporting structure of the tear bar is made of structural steel (60 x 60 mm metal profile), which is protected against corrosion by a zinc coating, which results in a very significant prolongation of the play element lifetime and fired by KOMAXIT RAL. These structures are embedded in a concrete bed. All other metal elements are also treated with galvanizing and fired with KOMAXIT RAL.

The wall is made of high-quality HDPE (high-pressure, full-color polyethylene, which is characterized by high color stability, resistance to scratching, UV resistance and especially safety because it is brittle and there is no risk of injury to children by sharp debris). All fasteners are galvanized or stainless steel.

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